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Production / Recording / Video Editing Suite
Our Philosophy: Historically, music arrangement and production / recording have been considered isolated disciplines, as they require unique skills specific to the process. At Stirling Sound, Inc., we believe the arrangement and production / recording process are interleaved, as there is a cause and effect relationship between the two. As such, our production staff is equally versed in the theory of music and the theory of engineering. Although we can surely provide a "recording studio" that will put ideas to a recording medium, it is our goal to ultimately assist the client to realize their vision.
When it's all said and done, what really matters is how an audio production can stir your spirit and communicate a thought beyond words, or a visual image ultimately, creating a soundscape. Please contact us to discuss the scope and nature of your project so that we may be a part of developing your soundscape.
Control Room - Studio A
Main Performance Room - Studio A
Control Room - Studio B
*Updated Video Editing Suite Photos Soon*
*We now offer on-site optical duplication! We feature a BRAVO XR CD/DVD duplicator and printer to assist you with duplication and screening of your CDs and DVDs. We specialize in shorter run duplication (25-250 units), and can duplicate DVD and CD optical storage in any file format.
*Need to convert that classic vinyl recording into a digital format? How about that cassette of your band's first performance, or a recording of your Grandmother's last church recital? We specialize in cleaning up and transferring older media formats to bring them into the 21st century. We're not just limited to audio, either. Call us for a quote on your media conversion needs.
Performance Room - Studio B
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